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Kuo-Tong Lee 李國通

update date : 2023-10-30

Kuo-Tong Lee   Associate Professor   Org./Inorg. Hybrid Materials Lab

Phone: (02) 2908-9899 ext.6114/6132

Fax:(02) 2908-307

Email: KTLee@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office: Room 208/Lab: Room 107-3, Chemical Engineering Building

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Research Interest

 Organic-inorganic hybrid material fabrication

The major research efforts focus on the manufacture and performance test of organic-inorganic hybrid materials. Various surface modification techniques are adopted to prepare hybrid materials for different applications.


Ph.D.: University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Reviewed Articles

  1. Synthesis and Luminescence of a Cr(III) Coordination Polymer Constructed from Sodium 2-Sulfoterephthalate Ligand (2015, KT Lee, YH Shaw, 5th ACTSEA International Conference)
  2. Preparation of Ag/TiO2 Core-shell Nanocomposites to Enhance Conversion Efficiency (2014, KT Lee, YR Peng, GZ Huang, IUMRC International Conference in Asia)
  3. Effect of Temperature Variation on the Separation of Sesamin and Sesamolin by Simulated Moving Bed (pp. 479-486) (2011, MT Liang, RC Liang, LY Wang, HE Yen, KT Lee, Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 5 (6), 479)


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