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1 化學工程系主要研究領域是什麼? 1.新能源材料與技術開發
1 What are the main research areas of the Department of Chemical Engineering? 1.Development of new energy materials and technologies
2.Advanced green chemical process technology and its applications
3.Cutting-edge material technology and its applications
4.Biochemical process engineering and its applications
2 化學工程系將來就業方向? 化學工程系就業範疇廣泛(化工科技產業),包括光電材料、半導體產業、精密陶瓷工業、高分子材料、生醫工程、遺傳工程、健康事業、生物技術、石油產業、民生產業、能源工業、環境工業等。
2 What are the main areas of study in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Ming Chi University of Technology? The Department of Chemical Engineering Ming Chi University of Technology covers a wide range of areas, including circuit analysis, electronics, signal processing, control systems, power engineering, communication systems, microelectronics, etc.
3 作為化學工程系的學生,我要如何查詢到我的成績、操行? 請至本校的校園入口網,登入學生資訊查詢系統,(https://portal.mcut.edu.tw/index.do?thetime=1684989340904),或者下載明志科技大學校園app (https://lis.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1013-5348.php?Lang=zh-tw) ,可查詢學期成績或者出缺勤紀錄等等…資訊。
3 As a student of the Department of Chemical Engineering.how can I check my grades and conduct? After logging into the MCUT campus portal and entering the student information query system, you can access the related information (https://portal.mcut.edu.tw/index.do?thetime=1684989340904). You can also download the MCUT’s campus app (https://lis.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1013-5348.php?Lang=zh-tw), where you'll find concise details allowing you to quickly check your grades and attendance record for this semester , among other things.
4 作為化學工程系的學生,我該如何上網選課? 首先,你必須先上明志科技大學選課系統 (http://day.course.mcut.edu.tw/) 查詢選課相關時間表,確定時間後在該系統開放時間使用校園入口網帳密登入選課,更多詳細選課內容以及時間更動請上明志科技大學教務處官網查詢 (https://aca.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1007-7354.php )。
4 As a student of the Department of Chemical Engineering, how do I enroll in courses online? First, you need to check the class registration schedule in MCUT’s course registration system (http://day.course.mcut.edu.tw/). Once the schedule has been confirmed, you can log in to the system using your campus portal account to register for classes during the registration period. For more detailed course registration information and schedule changes, please check the official website of the Office of Academic Affairs(https://aca.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1007-7354.php).
5 化學工程系碩士班、化學工程系生化工程碩士班的學生,如何申請論文口試? 首先,你必須修滿27學分,詳細選修課程規則可參考化學工程學系網頁,並符合以下說明,始可申請論文。(https://ce.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1042-753.php?Lang=zh-tw)
5 As a graduate student of the Department of Chemical Engineering, how can I apply for a thesis defense? First, you must complete 27 credits. For detailed elective course regulations,please refer to the webpage of the Department of Chemical Engineering. (https://ce.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1042-753.php?Lang=zh-tw)。
1. Your thesis needs to undergo a second defense, presenting it to the committee for evaluation and approval.
2. Before applying for the second thesis defense, you must meet one of the following English proficiency requirements:
(1) Reaching TOEIC score of 550 or higher, or passing an English proficiency test of the same level as listed in the "Graduation English Proficiency Threshold and Guidance Guidelines" of our university.
(2) Write an English research paper and submit it to a journal, academic journal, or international conference.
3. Graduate students are required to obtain a minimum of 6 hours of academic research ethics education certification before applying for thesis project review.
If you have any question, please contact Ms. Lin or dial 02-29089899#6100
6 作為化工系碩士班學生,申請論文相關流程及其表單? 1. 請參考申請初試、複試論文申請流程網頁:https://ce.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1042-772.php?Lang=zh-tw
2. 請下載並填妥申請表,並備齊相關文件,交至化工系助理林丘凰小姐。
6 As a graduate student of the Department of Chemical Engineering, where can I find information regarding thesis submission application process and other related forms? 1.Please refer to the webpage for the application process for preliminary and final thesis defense: https://ce.mcut.edu.tw/p/412-1042-772.php?Lang=zh-tw
2.Please download and complete the application form, and sumbit the required documents. Then submit it to the assistant of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Ms. Lin.
If you have any question, please contact Ms. Lin or dial 02-29089899#6100
7 作為化工系碩士班學生,第二次論文口試已通過了,請問本系離校流程作業? 本系碩士班學生離校時,繳交以下文件,送至化工系行政辦公室(化工館2樓)
7 As a master’s student in the Department of Chemical Engineering who have passed the second thesis defense, what are the procedures for leaving the department? When a master’s student in the Department of Chemical Engineering is leaving the program, the following documents should be submitted to the administrative office of the department on the 2nd floor of the Chemical Engineering Building:
1.Submit a hardbound copy of the thesis.
2.Submit the Graduation Student Learning Achievement Summary Form with the signature of the advisor (including a 2-inch photo).
3.Submit a CD/DVD containing the complete thesis data.
4.Return the keys to the laboratory or research room and complete the handover of relevant experimental and research equipment.
8 作為一名國際學生,我該如何申請兼職工作許可證? 首先,你應該從國際事務辦公室(OIA)取得工作許可申請表。其次,讓你的指導教師簽署這份表格,然後再由化學工程系主任簽署。最後,將這份表格在化學工程系行政辦公室(二樓)蓋章。
8 As an international student, how do I apply for a part-time work permit? Firstly, you should obtain a work permit application form from the Office of International Affairs (OIA). Then, have your supervisor and the head of the Department of Electrical Engineering sign the form. Lastly, have the application stamped by the administrative office of the Department of Chemical Engineering on the 2nd floor.
9 我該如何申請本系的實驗室門禁,便於進出? 進出實驗室須向技士張尹寧小姐(化111-1)領取門禁申請書,填妥後始可進出實驗室內禁止吃零食及喝飲料(除了水),使用者須遵守實驗室安全衛生守則辦理
9 Access control / How do I apply for entry and exit from the Department of Chemical Engineering Lab? To enter or exit the lab, you need to obtain the lab application form from the technician. After filling out the form, you are allowed to enter the lab. Snacks and drinks (except water) are prohibited in the lab. Users must abide by the lab safety and hygiene rules.
For other inquiries, please contact the technician at 02-29089899#6108.
10 我該如何申請化工系借用儀器設備? 請至化工館一樓器材室(化111-1)向技士張尹寧小姐申請,填寫實驗室研究申請表,始可使用儀器設備。
10 Equipment / How do I borrow equipment from the Department of Chemical Engineering? Please go directly to the Electronic Materials Room and speak to the technician to fill out the borrowing form.
For other inquiries, please contact the technician at 02-29089899#6108.