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Yu-Wei Cheng 鄭有為

update date : 2023-10-30

Yu-Wei Cheng   Assistant Professor

Phone: (02) 2908-9899 ext. 6113

Email: yuweicheng@mail.mcut.edu.tw

Office: Room 205, Chemical Engineering Building

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Research Interest

  1. Synthetic polymer
  2. Polymeric composite
  3. Organic-Inorganic hybrid material
  4. Nanomaterials
  5. Biomedical technology


Ph. D.: IPSE, National Taiwan University


  1. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology

Reviewed Articles

  1. Reinforcement of epoxy resin by additives of amine-functionalized graphene nanosheets (2021, TY Yung, YC Lu, JS Chen, YW Cheng, TY Liu, PT Chen, Coatings 11 (1), 35)
  2. Silver nanoparticles embedded on mesoporous-silica modified reduced graphene-oxide nanosheets for SERS detection of uremic toxins and parathyroid hormone (2020, RS Juang, YW Cheng, WT Chen, KS Wang, CC Fu, SH Liu, RJ Jeng, ..., Applied Surface Science 521, 146372)
  3. Bionic shark skin replica and zwitterionic polymer brushes functionalized PDMS membrane for anti-fouling and wound dressing applications (2020, YT Lin, YS Ting, BY Chen, YW Cheng, TY Liu, Surface and Coatings Technology 391, 125663)


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